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Bebras - Computer Castor


" Bebras - Castor Informático " is an international initiative aimed at promoting Informatics (Computer Science) and computational thinking. It was designed to motivate students from all over the world and of all ages even if they have no previous experience.

It has a long history and was started in 2004 by  Prof. Valentina Dagienė , from the University of Vilnius, Lithuania. Its original name comes from this origin ("bebras" means "beaver" in Lithuanian). The international community has adopted this name because beavers strive for perfection in their daily lives and are known to be very hardworking and intelligent.

The challenge will have a duration of 45 minutes and a total of 15 problems in each age group (5 in the "easy" category, 5 in the "medium" category and 5 in the "hard" category). The exception is beavers (3rd and 4th grade) who will have only 12 problems (4 of each difficulty level).


The test must be taken at each school in the second week of November , but it can be taken on different days and times in each class (or in the following week of November, if strictly necessary).

Statements of the problems of the 2019 edition:

Statements of the problems of the year 2020 edition:

Statements of the problems of the 2021 edition:

Enunciados dos poblemas da edição do ano 2022:

Enunciados dos poblemas da edição do ano 2023:

Video that illustrates the realization of a test, for viewing by students:

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